Wednesday, March 03, 2010

gods, its been a blur of three days. 3 essays due this week + lack of sleep has resulted in this rather zombie state of drifting in and out of sleep, waking up and sitting in front of my laptop for 7 hours churning out my essay, and then falling back into sleep again at e most ridiculous hours. i haven't been in to school for 3 days :p HAHA. whoops.

mms, summer plans are looking good. greece if my friend doesn't pangseh me (again). eastern europe: austria, czech republic, hungary, poland and perhaps montenegro seeing as aleks is from there and has loads of recommendations to make. haha. paris (as usual. i LOVE e summer sales. teeheehee) perhaps with sonya? and italy with my family (((: rome, vatican city, florence, chianti, parma, CAPRI! i like things that come in a circle. i started my first summer with italy, and one full circle we shall go (: just that its the north this time, and i think we're driving, and with my uncles, its probably going to be drink driving. snorts. vineyards :DDD hahaha, with my uncles who buy wines and food by the crates, i pale in comparison. so my mum has no right to yell at me. whahahaha. i like i like. traveling with my uncles is awesome.

ming ah. e only time you write on my tagboard is when its about a boy -.-


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